The Briefcase "Briefs" Job Search Newsletter - Issue #17

In this issue: overcoming the imposter phenomenon, how to ask for job help, salary negotiations, working remotely, LinkedIn updates and more...

Good morning! We are having a busy first quarter! Q1 is historically busy in this industry as a lot of our clients wait for bonus payouts before making career moves, but this year feels a little different. I am hearing over and over again from clients just beginning their search how much job searching has changed over the last decade. While there is still a focus on networking, job seekers need to be more targeted and strategic--in every aspect of their search.

I've curated some of my favorite job search and personal development articles from the web this month to help you have a more successful search.

We are rooting for you,

Ps. Read all of the way to the bottom for a special surprise.

Job search strategies

You don’t want to be that person who turns people off by asking for too much. But how do you know when it’s OK in a networking relationship to ask for job search help? Here are five guidelines.

This job-hunting strategy to "get your foot in the door" can backfire. Check out my interview with Monica Torres from the HuffPost.

Six things to consider when applying.

Resume Writing Strategy

Have you ever heard of the XYZ resume formula?

It’s a writing style that many resume writers have been using for years, but it was recently spotlighted in Inc. Magazine as the writing style approved by Google.

According to Inc, Google describes this as: "Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]." But INC made it easier to remember, by shortening it to X-Y-Z.

Here are some examples of this style:

- Rocketed Eastern Division EBITDA in first year: grew entire Eastern Division’s EBITDA by 40% and doubled SE region EBITDA from $20MM to $44 MM through new de novos & syndications

- Selected as one of 40 participants for the 12-month Texas Governor’s Executive Development Program for high-achieving diverse government talent based on leadership potential

- Retained 100% of early hires: leveraged online communication/project management system, semi-weekly video conferencing, & group chat to keep team engaged & strategically aligned

💼 As a side note, including “Y” (as measured by) can sometimes be overkill in a document. The formula is a great guide, but your main takeaway here is that your resume should NOT be a regurgitation of your job description but instead include results-oriented statements of accomplishments.

I posted this on LinkedIn on Monday. The comments from other career experts are very insightful and worth reading if you are considering a DIY resume.

Imposter Syndrome

It’s estimated that 70% of people have imposter syndrome--do you? I interviewed Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin, one of the leading Imposter Syndrome experts.

Salary negotiations

According to a new study, 41% of candidates negotiate every job offer. Here’s what you need to do to join their ranks.

Thought provoking articles

Wages for software engineers are rising faster outside Silicon Valley than within it as employers expand tech operations in other cities and battle to outbid rivals for local tech talent. This article makes a compelling argument for emerging tech cities like Boston, Chattanooga and Austin.

Today’s youngest professionals aren’t job hopping any more than the prior generation, despite the hot job market

There seems to an increasing interest to understand how women look for jobs differently to men. This means that recruiters have to lose the one size fits all approach to filling their openings.

The purpose of powerful conversations is to influence people and change mindsets. As an FBI agent, I needed to persuade people that it was in their best interest to cooperate with an FBI investigation.

Remote work

Finding a remote job that supports travel has never been so easy with this new remote friendly job-finding website, Remote Planet.

You may think it’s easier to have a virtual leader—rather than a hovering boss—giving you feedback.

Jobs reports

We should look at individuals—not national averages—as the unit of analysis, and ask: Are wages adequate for full-time workers?

Check it out

Over 5,400 subscribers have followed this newsletter to learn marketing and how to be authentically human online. --- **UPDATE** As soon as published this, I found that my profile has been updated.

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I love surprise endings. As promised in the first paragraph, the 4th person to email me with the subject line "Got Coffee" gets a $5.00 Starbucks gift card from us. Happy Friday!


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