The Briefcase "Briefs" Job Search Newsletter - Issue #19

In this issue: How Adversity can empower your career, Best free resources for job seekers available NOW, How to perfect your home office with zoom backgrounds, Interview tips from CEOs, How to ask if there is a job opening, and more...

Now is the time.

Dear readers,

It's been a long month. Right? I have been reminded how much I need community-- Zoom meetings and happy hours just aren't the same. As emotionally draining and hard as the last six weeks have been, there is hope in the future.

In fact, good things are happening now. Many of my clients are getting job offers. Many are getting promoted. It's important to remember that new challenges present new opportunities.

If you've been furloughed, now is not the time to sit on the sidelines and wait for your employer to re-hire you. Now is the time to get your career documents (resume and LinkedIn) in order and map out your job search plan if/when you need to launch one.

This issue is PACKED with great resources for your job search.

Reach out and say hello this week. Tell me how you are dealing with these new changes. I’d love to hear from you.

As always, I’m rooting for you,


Ps. I released a video this week with my friend Jamie Graff from Remedy Films. The theme is that adversity brings out the best in talented people. We showcased stories from people who graduated during the last recession and how they took career lemons and made lemonade. Check it out here. As a bonus, if you subscribe to my new YouTube Channel, you get a free Linkedin guide with some of my best tips.

Job Search Tips During the Pandemic

Looking for high-quality career advice and materials available online, but don’t have a large budget to work with? I put together (with the help of Blythe Gulley) the best free job search resources on the web right now.

This is truly one of the best articles I've read in a long time. Caroline Ceniza-Levine is one of my favorite career writers and this article gives excellent advice for the times. Bottom line: When you’re looking for a job, don’t follow job market averages that just get you down and do nothing to help your job search. Instead, focus on information that can help you be a more informed, compelling candidate. Here are seven suggestions for news you can use

Seismic events such as coronavirus can challenge your confidence, faith and hope. But when harnessed in the right way, adversity can actually boost confidence, job performance and career success when everything around you seems to be falling apart.

Lisa Petkovsek and Mike Bird host a weekly show for 20- and 30-somethings who take their careers (but not themselves!) really, really seriously. I had the opportunity to share what it was like job searching during the last recession (in 2008) and what early career professionals should do to stand out.

My coaching clients often The art of asking for possible openings without sounding desperate to work for the company comes with practice. However, having a clear strategy and approach may mean the difference between getting hired or being seen as a bad fit.

Self Care and Mental Health

Working from home, barely seeing people, meetings over Skype and phone, very little human contact…

The wrong ones spark fear. The right ones facilitate clarity, calm, and action. This article talks about how to frame conversation when emotions are high.

Thinking About a Career Transition?

Career aptitude tests are an excellent way to explore job and career options. Try some free tests that can help you decide what job is right for you.

Rather than laundry listing their accomplishments, candidates need to focus on what they can contribute to the job ahead, says Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison.

Creating Your Home Office

Browse and share virtual backgrounds for video calling applications with ease!

Six tips for making an impact from a distance.

When you're working from home and miss the gentle noise of your co-workers!

Podcasts and Training

Austin Belcak hosted a live Covid-19 job search panel and invited New York Times Bestselling author Dan Schwabel, Top Voice Hannah Morgan and me to talk job search strategy during a pandemic. There is a lot of great content here.

Beyond Barriers, a podcast for high achieving women, hosted by Nikki Barua talked to me about imposter syndrome and launching a strategic job search. Click here more information.

Marlo Higgins, an executive performance coach, invited me to be on her show 22-motivational minutes. We talked about how to prepare for a job search during a Pandemic. Listen here.

Adam Posner of the Pozcast invited me to be on his LinkedIn Live show to talk about careers, things job seekers need to be doing/not doing during this time. Check it out.

Lastly, I am a featured speaker at the Hope Summit. Vincent Phamvan lined up 70 speakers including Lynn Oldham, the Chief People Officer at Zoom, Scott Omeliank the Editor and Chief at Inc and Joe Walsh, the Principal Recruiter at Uber. This is a free event for job seekers. You can find out more information here.

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