The Briefcase "Briefs" Job Search Newsletter - Issue #23 Hand curated job search "gold"

In this issue: Job search mindset. If you had to choose, would you keep your resume or LinkedIn profile? Should you take on a career pivot? Are AI companies more competitive? Proactive tips to fight burnout. And more...

Dear readers,

More than anything today, I want you to know that you are amazing.

If you've been a reader of my content, you know that I am not a "woo-woo" new age and crystals coach. I am a job search strategist who helps people better position for great opportunities. One piece of the positioning "pie" is having great, targeted career marketing documents (LinkedIn, resume, cover letter, etc). The other piece is your MINDSET. And while you cannot will your way into your dream job, you have to know your value, control the negative thoughts in your head and truly embrace an abundance mindset.

If you have 10 minutes today, grab a warm cup of coffee or my favorite tea, and spend some time in quiet reflection journaling. Journaling is a powerful tool that helps you declutter the mind, helps you cope with stress and is a proven tool to help boost the mood and self esteem. I wrote a few journal prompts that you can use this month.


I am proud of myself professionally because...

I have impacted lives doing....

When January 2021 finally arrives, what do you want to be different in your career? How would you like your life to be different in 2021?

What is the biggest stressor in my job search right now? Why is it so stressful? What can I do differently?

Is my career still supporting my values?

Who did I want to be when I was 21? Am I that person? Does success look different? How is it different?


Life in the midst of a pandemic might feel like you are drinking water from a fire hydrant with all of the changes and "pivots." Regardless of what is happening right now in your job search, I want you to pause, reflect, and recenter.

I think you are amazing. I hope that you feel that way about yourself today too.

As always, I'm rooting for you,


Ps. If you are new to my content, know that there is always a giveaway hidden in the email. Keep reading to find it.

Resume, interview, and LinkedIn tips

How long should you actually prepare for your job interview? We interviewed over 5,000 job seekers to uncover how you should spend your time preparing.

Is your resume good? Discover 9 ways to know whether your resume is good enough to get you hired right now, and how to improve it if not, with tips from a recruiter.

Like a lopsided political race, this one is a landslide. I'm talking about a LinkedIn poll asking 3,338 voters to chose between keeping either their resume or LinkedIn profile. Which one wins by 72%? Why, the LinkedIn profile, of course. I'm not at all surprised by the result. What I find interesting is that the…

This article highlights advice from Madeline Mann, Biron Clark, Tim Windhof and other career experts on how to build out a target company list.

Work trends

As artificial intelligence (AI) takes hold, the organizations that gain a competitive edge will be those that become more human. Read to learn more.

Job search tips

Articles on working from home abound. There’s even a hashtag for working from home, #WFH. But there aren’t as many articles on job searching from home, #JSFH. Throwing dependent childre…Job

Taking on a new career direction or passion can help establish a sense of connection and achievement while remaining safe.

For introverts, getting ahead in an extroverted culture means tweaking your thinking. This article gives practical advice for ways more introverted job seekers can stand out.

Self care and mental health

We’re living in a highly stressful and toxic environment. Prolonged unrelenting stress, aggravation and anxiety leads us to emotional, mental and physical exhaustion. For those who are seeking out new jobs, you’ve probably noticed feelings of disillusionment, disappointment and depression.

Three ways to reframe your purpose.

Career Assessments

Career aptitude tests are an excellent way to explore job and career options. Try some free tests that can help you decide what job is right for you.

Can you do me a favor?

There are a lot of job seekers who need help right now. Would you consider forwarding this newsletter to 5 of your friends who might benefit from reading it?

GIVEAWAY: Win my favorite tea! I am sending 2 readers my favorite tea (or a $10 Amazon gift card, your choice!) for sharing this newsletter on social media and tagging me so that I can see it. My assistant will pick the winner at random. We will notify winners on Friday, August 28th.

What did you think of this issue? Give us a thumbs up or down.


or to participate.