Briefcase Coach's Career Briefs Newsletter: Job Search Smarter!

In this issue: A new service offering from Briefcase Coach, tips for updating your LinkedIn profile, the importance of leaning into rejection, how to write a networking letter, the fine print of remote work postings, a recruiter's answers to salary FAQs and more...

Dear Reader:

My family's television is almost always on a sports game. Especially this time of year. College football (Go Dawgs!) and the final stretch of the MLB season (Go Braves!) are our go-to's. While watching football games this weekend, I noticed something - when the camera cuts to the coach, he is almost always consulting a playbook. Trying to decide the best way to make the biggest impact during the next play.

As a career coach, I always recommend my clients build their playbook - a target company list. Many times job seekers set their sights on two or three companies. Like a season can't be won with only two or three plays, neither can a job search. A target company list is a curated list of 20-35 companies that match your criteria - location, size, and industry.

Building this list takes time. Job seekers don't always feel they have the time to do the research and build this list. I am excited to offer a new service to build these lists for clients. I believe target lists help a jobseeker build a stronger resume and have a more effective job search process. Please feel free to check out our website and reach out if you feel you could benefit from a custom target company list to aid your search efforts. We would love to help!

As always, I'm rooting for you!


Job Search Strategy

Your LinkedIn profile can be the gateway to a growing network and new job opportunities. In this article, I share updates to make to your LinkedIn profile to take it from stolid to stellar.

Resumes have changed A LOT in the past 10 years. In this video, I share a look at modern design updates that will make your resume a standout.

Have you ever considered doing a proactive value validation project? Austin Belcak is a career coach whose business Cultivated Culture, helps clients land jobs using unconventional strategies. In his latest podcast, he explores a case study by Callum that is a perfect example of demonstrating value add to a company in order to get hired. Personally, I think it's an interesting idea and could be effective for those making a pivot or who don't have proven expertise.

Power of Connections

Rejection is a terrible feeling. Most people likely want to put it behind them and move on as quickly as possible. LinkedIn News editor, Andrew Seaman explores how leaning into rejection can lead to a larger network and a better job opportunity down the road.

I often tell job seekers, "you have to help them help you!" I believe that most people genuinely want to help, but they are busy or don't really know how. Jenny of JobJenny does a great job of breaking down how to leverage your network and gives a practical way to ask for help. This is hands down one of my favorite reads this month. Kudos to Hannah Morgan of Career Sherpa for initially sharing Jenny Foss's article in her awesome newsletter.

Insights and Perspectives

Stay SaaSy's blog provides insightful content for those looking to grow and scale companies. Their latest article explores the Dirty Work Theory: The lamentable work that many people avoid are great places to look for high-impact, low-hanging fruit.

A looming recession may be shifting employee-employer relationships away from large raises, rapid hiring, and even worker flexibility. Korn Ferry career experts outline how leaders should respond.

In this Twitter thread, Mike Smith, Co-founder and General Partner at Footwork shares his perspective on hiring his next COO. Be sure to click and read the entire thread - it's a really good one full of wisdom.

Remote Work

A lot of positions are billed in job postings as remote, but some come with more ties to the office than suggested in the post. WSJ reporter, Lindsay Ellis looks at the bait and switch tactics being used to lure applicants in.

Salary FAQs

One of the hardest parts of a job search is having the salary discussion. After over 20 years as a recruiter in big tech, Amy Miller has seen it all. She has compiled some helpful links and scripts (below) to help you feel more EMPOWERED when it comes to discussing money.

Career Briefs Book Club: Quit by Annie Duke

Annie Duke's new book just hit bookshelves yesterday and I can't wait to dive in. In Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away, Duke coaches readers deciding how and when to quit when faced with tough decisions. As a former poker player turned author, Duke's articles and podcasts on the science of decision-making are some of my favorite recommendations when someone is faced with a hard decision. I imagine Quit will be no different. I enjoyed listening to Annie discuss her new book on the Less Than One Percent podcast earlier this week.

Can you do me a favor?

I’m on a mission to help job seekers land amazing jobs. Would you consider doing one of the following:

  • Forward this newsletter to your job-searching friends or post about it on social media. This small act really helps!

  • Reach out to us about featuring your executive job posting in our newsletter. We are looking for hiring managers, founders, and search firms to talk on video about their ideal candidates.

  • Consider sharing my company name with your HR leadership. We are a great “white-glove” boutique option for executive outplacement

  • Recommend me as a paid speaker for your company events on networking, job searching, or leveraging LinkedIn

  • Recommend my services to high performers wanting to work one-on-one with an executive resume writer / or experienced interview coach

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