- Briefcase Coach's Career Briefs: Job Search Newsletter
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- Briefcase Coach's Career Briefs: Job Search Newsletter
Briefcase Coach's Career Briefs: Job Search Newsletter
In this issue: CMO advice for leveling up, explaining gaps on a resume, job search resources, confessions of a corporate recruiter and more...

Dear Reader:
A friendly competitor recently asked me why I invest so much time into my bi-weekly newsletter. The answer for me is quite simple: it’s worth it.
Newsletters are an excellent way to connect directly with my former and future clients. I regularly hear from people like you after I send out a newsletter with their thoughts and comments on a particular topic or job search updates. I love this— this fuels why I do what I do.
I’m grateful for social media platforms, but I have no control over algorithms. I have spent a lot of time writing content that I didn’t know if it would get eyeballs. When I send out a newsletter, I know that, on average, 52% of my subscribers will open and skim it.
Content that performs well on social media isn’t my favorite content to produce. I enjoy testing a hypothesis or deep diving into a job search topic. A newsletter gives us a platform to go deeper on original executive job search content (we get excited thinking about the potential here).
What’s next for this newsletter?
It will continue to be twice a month for now. I aim to make this newsletter something you look forward to reading. I am committed to sourcing or creating content that challenges, informs, and inspires you to be the best professional you can be. (Have ideas - let me know!)
I am starting to get sponsorships for the newsletter. This is helping offset the cost of producing it. I assure you that I will not make this newsletter a SPAM sandwich. I have turned away plenty of sponsors who were not like-minded.
Unfortunately, every time I send out this newsletter, I lose .19 to .54% of my subscribers. It’s the nature of the beast. In order to continue to grow my readership, I need your help. If you enjoy this newsletter, please consider sharing it with friends and colleagues. I have a referral program that rewards you for helping us get new subscribers (you could win Starbucks!).
I’ll end by saying thank you. I would not be here today without your engagement, referrals, business…you name it. Not only have I been able to help thousands of job seekers over the years, but I have been able to employ a team of bright and talented people to join me on this journey. It’s an honor that I do not take for granted.
Rooting for you,

The Executive Suite

Briefcase Coach Original Content: Words of wisdom from successful CMOs on their career journey.
Do you ever wonder if you have what it takes to make it to the C-Suite? I recently had the opportunity to talk to three Chief Marketing Officers from different industries about their path to success. My team and I compiled their wealth of knowledge and experience into an article full of actionable advice for anyone looking to level up in their career towards becoming a CMO.
Is the job market for elite college graduates changing?
Attending an elite college used to yield itself to a high success rate of landing internships and full-time job offers. WIRED looks at the impact layoffs in the tech industry have had on the rising workforce. While tech jobs are still prevalent, the type of work a new grad might be needed to do could differ from their passion, at least for the time being.
The Evolving Workforce

Are gaps on resumes and CVs becoming less taboo?
The most common questions that I get from unemployed job seekers often pertain to mitigating employment gaps. Resume gaps are no longer looked at as a red flag. BBC’s Alex Christian looks at the shifting mindset around career gaps and how to remain transparent when discussing the gaps with potential employers. One of my favorite lines from the article is that recruiters now view “missing time in a CV with open curiosity rather than an assumption of a person’s poor performance or reliability.” While this is great news for the job seeker, you still have to know and be able to articulate clearly why you left your role (here are some great examples).
How to answer: “Why were you let go?”
“Interviewers will invariably ask you, “Why were you let go?” One of the biggest challenges throughout the job search process is figuring out what to say when interviewing. It's hard for people who’ve succeeded most of their lives to suddenly feel like a failure since they’ve been laid off.” In this article, Forbes’s career expert, Jack Kelly guides job seekers with actionable advice on how to answer this question with confidence.
How losing a high-paying job affects the family unit.
Increasingly common in current times, layoffs are a perceived necessary evil for businesses to maintain profitability. While it may be a needed decision for a company, new research from Harvard Business Review looks at the impact of layoffs on the employees family unit. The author, Aliya Rao, looks at how job loss impacts marriage, parenting, and extended family relationships, & how society can better help unemployed people. It’s an eye-opening read.
Which Workers Suffer Most When New Technology Arrives?
“Technological advances can be a double-edged sword for workers. On the one hand, new technologies can make people more productive. On the other hand, some forms of automation can also make workers obsolete.” In this article, contributors from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University provide insights from their research about which members of the workforce are impacted most when new technology is introduced. This article teases that it is not what you might think, and I agree.
“For the people that are really skilled, they have a lot of room to fall.”
Recruiter Relations

Confessions from a former corporate recruiter.
Dawn Graham, a former corporate recruiter turned career coach shares her experience from the recruiter seat. In this article, Graham turns the spotlight on the hiring process and lifts the veil on some questionable practices. If anything, it might be a good candidate catharsis.
How do executives maintain job security in an evolving market?
According to ExecuNet executive, Tony Vlahos the short answer is always be REMARKABLE. In this article, Forbes contributor Kathy Caprino sat down with Vlahos to discuss how executives can strategize how to increase their odds of remaining employed. Emphasis is put on ensuring your value and contributions in your work are understood and recognized. (Article has a paywall)
Career Resources

Comprehensive list of PM learning resources.
I recently came across this well-curated, comprehensive list of PM learning resources compiled by Paul Huryn and The Project Compass. Full of resources ranging from books to podcasts to templates and more - it is a wealth of information worth digging into.
World’s best companies to work for as a woman.
The CEO Magazine takes a look inside the world’s 15 best female-friendly companies to work for. From tech to finance to hospitality, these businesses are paving the way for more equitable workplaces by addressing the key challenges that women face today.
Hot Topics

“What defines humanity is not just our unusual level of intelligence but also how we capitalize on that intelligence by developing technologies that amplify and complement our mental, physical, and social capacities. If we merely lived up to our scientific classification—Homo sapiens—and just sat around thinking all day, we’d be much different creatures than we actually are. A more accurate name for us is Homo techne: humans as toolmakers and tool users. The story of humanity is the story of technology.”
Does a “crisis of belonging” exist, and if so, how do we fix it?
Geoffrey Cohen’s new book, Belonging: The Science of Creating Connections and Bridging Divides, that examines the seemingly fractured society in America and how it can be put back together. In this article, Lee interviews the Stanford professor about the book and the driving issues that led him to write it. The article provides somewhat of a “cliff notes” version of the book, but for me, it left me wanting to read more. I appreciate Dorothy Dalton sharing this article on Twitter recently. I really enjoyed reading it, and I hope you do too.
LinkedIn Live: Wednesday, Feb 8th at 1:00 PM EST

Are you looking to establish your expertise and gain brand awareness on LinkedIn? Tune in to hear digital marketing strategist Anthony Jones and I talk about how to build know, like, and trust with your ideal target audience.
Named Top Resume Writer by Teal
Teal, an online career coaching platform, just named us to their list of top resume writers!

Can you do me a favor?
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Forward or use the referral link below to share this newsletter with your job-searching friends or post about it on social media. This small act really helps!
Reach out to us about featuring your executive job posting in our newsletter. We are looking for hiring managers, founders, and search firms to talk on video about their ideal candidates.
Consider sharing my company name with your HR leadership. We are a great “white-glove” boutique option for executive outplacement
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Recommend my services to high performers wanting to work one-on-one with an executive resume writer / or experienced interview coach
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