Job Search Newsletter: Sarah Johnston's "The Briefs" 💼 Hand curated job search "gold"

In this issue: Why the hidden job market works, interview mantras, advice for starting a small business during a recession, email templates, and more!

Hello dear reader:

I want to share something important today.

I saw a Tweet this week that made me pause.

Sara Verkuilen was working at Hair Cuttery in Round Lake Beach, Illinois when an older couple walked in for a haircut.

A few months later, she received this note:

This note is an important reminder. The work you do matters. You may feel at times like it's mundane or insignificant. But every day that you have the opportunity to interact with other people-- even over the phone or on Zoom-- you have the opportunity to impact their lives. YOU matter.

I hope that you enjoy the rest of my newsletter this month. I've hand picked some great job search and career articles from some of my favorite career content writers include Jack Kelly, Goldie Chan, Dan Schwabel, Biron Clark, Neil Patel and more.

Reach out and say hello this week. I’d love to hear from you.

As always, I’m rooting for you,


Ps. You know I love a good freebie. Scroll to the bottom to see this month's giveaway!

Leveraging the Hidden Job Market

Looking for a new job is now your full-time job. You’ll need to attack it strategically and intelligently with consistency and steely determination. Here’s some smart, helpful advice from career experts (including me) to get you started.

Ten years ago Dan read a story in the New York Post about how recently laid off Kathy Chambers applied for 1,056 jobs and it resulted in a mere two interviews with no offers. When asked about the results from her campaign, she said "Those are just the ones I remembered to log in. Dan Schwabel, in his latest LinkedIn article, highlights the value of a targeted job search.

Given the staggering amount of unemployment and underemployment, it's important to learn as much as possible about the job market and investigate smart ways to make yourself stand out in a crowded field.

Finding a job right now, with such high unemployment, is not easy. This quick article and video gives a brief overview of my new LinkedIn Learning course "Find a Job in the Hidden Job Market" is now available for free for LinkedIn Premium members and through your public library.

Interview Advice

Interview and mindfulness expert, Shea Ki, put together a 5-minute YouTube video with mindfulness mantras to help you get in the right mental state for an upcoming interview. Shea says that, if you have internal thoughts like: "​I wish I could relax and be more me. Being interviewed is such a struggle. I get so worked up and anxious when I have to talk about myself. I can't stand feeling like I have to prove how good I am at something to someone else." then this video could help you refocus and help with inner roadblocks.

Biron Clark of CareerSidekick (one of my favorite career blogs) wrote follow up emails for after your interview - following up for feedback, following up after no response, thank you emails and more.

Working from home

2020 In-The-Time-of-Coronavirus jobs list. If you are a working from home parent + homeschool teacher, you'll appreciate this list.

Early research on how people are — and aren’t — adapting and how leaders can help. This is a must read.

Our social graph has moved online now, and it’s easy to get swept up in the seemingly endless options available. Goldie Chan put together a great list of ideas on networking remotely.


Some of you may get fed up with job boards over the next few months. You may decide to throw the towel in on looking for an opportunity....& create your own. I became an entrepreneur shortly after my second child was born. In the fogginess of sleep deprivation, I decided that it was time to make the leap into self employment. This article in Entrepreneur covers a lot of great points. Don't let the recession deter you from launching.

I love Neil Patel. He mostly writes about blogging and SEO (two very important skills you need to master as a digital entrepreneur. I read and listen to his content on a regular basis. He's a no-fluff, shoot ya straight content producer. This article gives great food for thought if you are considering starting your own business.

This is not an article, but a website I recommend if you are considering launching a business. SCORE is the nation's largest network of volunteer, expert business mentors. You can get a *free* mentor and loads of support through your local SCORE chapter. This is also a great organization to volunteer with.

This article gives some great, practical advice to finding a mentor. I personally resonated with Kathy Caprino's advice in the article.


For subscribers of the Briefs and the Briefcase Coach's new YouTube Channel get a FREE 7-Day LinkedIn Challenge. Get more profile views from hiring managers and recruiters.

Can I ask a favor?

There are a lot of job seekers who need help right now. Would you consider forwarding this newsletter to 5 of your friends who might benefit from reading it?


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